Monday, August 8, 2011

the bird

Once there was a baby bird in the nest with his mother. They were getting ready to have lunch. The baby bird knew how to fly. So they were getting ready to have lunch, and they were going somewhere after lunch. Guess where they were going? They were going straight into the driveway of a little girl.

This story all started by me. And this little girl, her name was Charlotte. And this little girl named Charlotte was one of a kind. This kind was very silly and ferocious. Silly and ferocious. She loved the cartoony Star Wars (only two of them). But she's going to try new ones other days. And those new ones might be too scary for her, but who cares? Because she is so brave. Well, sometimes, of course.

What happened to the bird? This may seem scary at first, but it has a happy ending. When the girl was getting ready to ride her bike, she put on her helmet and walked outside. The bird was still in the driveway. So when she was going out of her driveway, she didn't see the bird. She almost ran over it, but then the bird flew away. And when they got back to their nest, the mother bird did a funny kind of look on her face, and said, "Hey, I do not like that little girl, but she is very friendly looking."

And so the little girl rode and rode and rode to her friend Abby's house (with her mother, because it was across a speed street). She went to her friend Abby's house, and right in their tree was the bird's nest! Abby came out. We pointed to the bird, and after she saw it, she said, "Wow, that's very cool, Charlotte."

So after we showed Abby the bird, we went inside Abby's house for lunch. Then we changed into our bathing suits and went in the pool. And after that, we dried ourselves off and changed again. Then we went on the playground. It was getting close to bedtime, so we said good bye and went home.

The End.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Very First Prize

One day (this was today, of course), we saw a white tailed DEER! That white tailed deer was frozen, staring at us. We were up in the back porch, but that deer just ran into the bushes because it saw us. And then guess what?! The deer never came back.

My sister and I were both in our rooms and my mother was locking the door, and she walked away, but then, she said, "Wait a minute, did I just see....?" And she walked back to the door, because sometimes, logs play tricks on your eyes. But then she went back to the door, and she looked at it. It was an animal, but it looked like a statue. But when she saw the eyes and the legs, it wasn't on a platform, it was on our grass. So she screamed, "CHARLOTTE! Look out your window! CAROLINE! Come here!" Then we both came running to Mama.

We looked out the window. But first, I thought it was something from Africa. I thought, "That looks familiar, like something on a card from school in the Africa section. It's an antelope!" But Mama and Caroline told me it was a white tailed deer. Then I told Mama after it went into the bushes, "This was the greatest day ever!"

The End.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Dear Nana,

I was just wondering what was going on at your place. Oh, how I wish you were here! I hope you're having fun. Here is a story that I wrote:

Once there was a little girl. Her name was Grace. A long time ago, she was sick with a really bad cold. And yesterday at her place, she didn't take it easy, and she felt more sicker about herself. And she forgot to drink lots of juice and water. Well, she died of cancer.

The End.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boo Boo Pumpkin Head

Once upon a time at the park, a pumpkin head nodded along. Some people came and they got scared. The pumpkin head said, "Boo boo! We love you!" And the pumpkin head twisted along as he ran and he ran home to his cabin.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Snow Fort

Remember when it was winter, and Uncle John pulled in Nana's driveway? And in winter he made a snow fort?

The End

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Muntz Captures Kevin

Muntz walked out of his ship. He said, "Get away from my bird!" His dogs walked out of the ship, too. Muntz held a lantern in his hand. Kevin screeched, "AAAAHHH!" That's why she called to her babies, because she was getting captured. The dogs grabbed the net. They pulled her into the ship.

Russell said, "Let her go! Stop!"

The End


Once upon a time, Carl was sitting in his house. A knock at the door came. He got up, and then he looked out his seeing thing. It was a tiny hole. He winked one eye. He opened the door. He looked side to side. A boy was on the porch. He didn't see him. He looked the other way, then he looked back at the boy. The boy scared him.

The boy said, "Hi Mr. Frederickson. I found the snipe, and I followed it under your porch. But this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. Please let me in."

"No!" Carl slammed the door. "Oh, alright, you can come ....... in."

Russell ran in. His heart beated so fast, because he was breathing so fast. Carl narrowed his eyes and made a funny looking of his mouth. Russell took off his back pack and went over to the picture of Ellie when she was a little girl. She had goggles on. He looked up at her and pointed at the picture.

He laughed, and said, "Heh, heh, goggles."

Carl put his mouth down and narrowed his eyes again. Russell walked over to the map where he was going - South America. He said, "South America. A land lost in time. Are you going to South America, Mr. Frederickson?!"

"Don't touch that! You'll soil it!"

Russell said, "You're smart. Most people take a plane, but you'll have all your TVs and clocks and stuff. Is this how you steer your house?"

Russell made a plane noise. "Oh, this way goes right aaaaaand that way's left. Hey look! Buildings!" He ran over to the window. "That building's so close I can almost touch it."

Russell and Carl imagined if Russell was tied to a rope and Carl was hanging onto the rope. "Don't jerk around much kid!" He accidentally let go of it. And it went back to where they were standing at the window.

Then Carl went over to cut the strings of the balloons so they would go down much so Russell could go home.

The End